Modal labs is a serverless platform which allows remote python code execution on GPUs and CPUs. Axolotl is a tool for finetuning various models. Let’s run this example which finetunes a model to output valid SQL query given a valid schema and a natural language query.

Install modal locally. It will prompt you for a key from your registered modal account.

pip install modal
python -m modal setup

Install locally hugging face (HF) libraries we will use to inspect our finetuning data prepared by axolotl preprocessing step. You do not need a GPU. You might need to login to HF. You will need access to gated models on HF (base_model in axolotl config file as explained later).

pip install -U transformers datasets

Easiest way to login to HF from your terminal (so you can run code/notebooks).

huggingface-cli login

Optionally set following to use weights and biases to track the finetune run.

export ALLOW_WANDB = true

Add Hugging face and Weights and biases access tokens to modal secrets. This modal finetune repo expects the secrets to be name huggingface and wandb.

Clone the LLM finetune repository from modal and navigate to that.

git clone
cd llm-finetuning

Let’s use axolotl config file config/mistral.yml with finetuning data file data/sqlqa.jsonl. In config file, format: shows what axolotl generated prompt will look like. Axolotl ingests data in jsonl format as shown in the data file to generate prompts as required by the model.

modal run --detach src.train --config=config/mistral.yml --data=data/sqlqa.jsonl --preproc-only

Modal will show you a run-id, which allows you to get the preprocessed data. For e.g.

Training complete. Run tag: axo-2024-06-15-17-12-42-86d0    

Use this run tag to retrieve the directory from modal onto local directory _debug_data

export RUN_TAG='axo-2024-06-15-17-12-42-86d0'
modal volume ls example-runs-vol {RUN_TAG}
rm -rf _debug_data
modal volume get example-runs-vol {RUN_TAG}/last_run_prepared  _debug_data

Run the following python code and verify the prepared finetuned data. You can optionally use this notebook in the repo to perform the same.

import yaml, os
from pathlib import Path
from datasets import load_from_disk
from transformers import AutoTokenizer

# find tokenizer
with open('../config/mistral.yml', 'r') as f:
    cfg = yaml.safe_load(f)
model_id = cfg['base_model']
tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
# load HF dataset
ds_dir = Path(f'_debug_data/{RUN_TAG}/last_run_prepared')
ds_path = [p for p in ds_dir.iterdir() if p.is_dir()][0]
ds = load_from_disk(str(ds_path))
# check data

Verify the data is formatted correctly as expected from axolotl config file

<s> [INST] Using the schema context below, generate a SQL query that answers the question. CREATE TABLE head (age INTEGER) How many heads of the departments are older than 56 ? [/INST]  [SQL] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM head WHERE age > 56 [/SQL]</s>

Now resume the finetune run

modal run --detach src.train --config=config/mistral.yml\ --data=data/sqlqa.jsonl\ --run-to-resume {RUN_TAG}

Check inference on your finetuned model.

modal run -q src.inference --run-name {RUN_TAG}

To query the finetuned model use the same format as the prepared data

[INST] Using the schema context below, generate a SQL query that answers the question. CREATE TABLE head (age INTEGER) How many heads of the departments are older than 56 ? [/INST]

and it should give response as

[SQL] SELECT COUNT(*) FROM head WHERE age > 56 [/SQL]

That’s it, you have finetuned a LLM model and performed inference on it!